API Testing with Postman

Applications programming interfaces (APIs) are tested directly and as part of an integration test to see if they function as expected and meet performance, reliability, and security requirements. This type of software testing is known as API testing. It offers a number of significant benefits to increase test cycle coverage, save resources, and produce more effective releases. When testing applications internally or with an offshore QA team, API testing is typically a useful strategy depending on the project timeline, integration needs, and desired functionality.

Postman Tool

Postman is a powerful and automatic tool for prototyping APIs; it also comes with some excellent testing features. It is used for testing APIs by submitting the request to the web server and receiving the response. It presents a friendly GUI for constructing requests and reading responses. It allows repeatable, reliable tests, which can be used in many environments, and includes useful tools for persisting data and simulating how users might interact with it.

Service Offerings

Varieties of Testing Services

We offer Database Testing, Automation Testing, Test Plan Creation, Web Application Testing, etc.

Expertise in Agile methodology

When it comes to designing the Sprint Automation Test Framework, we have strong expertise in Agile Scrum.

API & Automation Testing

We provide API Testing and Automation Testing using Rest Assured.

Library of test cases

Development and maintenance of robust test cases for both new and existing features is core to our team.

Data-driven API Tests

This framework allows us to create data-driven API tests. Fix errors and debug test cases.

Hands-on multiple automation tools

We have practical knowledge of various automation tools CI-CD and DevOps.

Test Script with Selenium

We use Selenium Webdriver to create test cases (test scripts).

Bug tracking tools

We use various bug tracking programs like HP ALM QC test, JIRA, and Bugzilla.

Test Automation Framework

We use multiple frameworks for test automation such as Java, TestNG, Selenium, etc.

Service Virtualization and API testing

Understanding of additional API and Service Virtualization testing automation tools.

HP UFT Experience

We have experience in mobile testing frameworks like SeeTest Appium Perfecto and other emulators.

Experience in API automation

Strong expertise with Java API, Rest-Assured, Soap UI, Postman, RESTAPI, etc. for API automation.

Automation framework as per needs

Our automation solution is tailored based on technology and business scenarios.

Expertise in popular frameworks

Strong Expertise in Data Driven Framework, Keyword Driven Foundation, TDD, BDD

UI Automation

We are well versed in automation framework design and possess hands-on experience in UI automation

Automated test scripts

Use Apache Http Client to automate test scripts for Restful Web Services.

Skills Matrix

  • In-depth knowledge of the software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), Software Test Life Cycle (STLC) and Defect Life Cycle.
  • We have extensive experience tracking and preparing testing reports such as test results, test case coverage, required resources, and their optimal utilization.
  • Expertise in requirements gathering, test plan design, defect management, project tracking, reporting, and writing end of test reports.
  • We are very skilled with tools like Soap UI & Postman as well as API/Web Service Testing.
  • Our team is well-versed in JMeter, as well as several plug-ins and report analysis.
  • We use Selenium as a testing methodology that is advanced in manual/automated testing.
  • Knowledge of building frameworks for test automation from scratch.
  • We have the capability to prioritize, estimate, and write automated test cases.
  • We are aware about all testing tools used and always open to learning new ones based on project requirements.
  • Thorough familiarity with testing frameworks, such as JUnit and TestNG.
  • Conceptual expertise in database and UNIX.

API Testing Tools

There are some widely popular API test-tools:

  • Postman- Postman is a strong tool for testing web services.
  • SoapUI- This free tool is used to test Web Services and SOAP and REST APIs.
  • Curl- HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, FTPS, SCP, SFTP, TFTP, LDAP, DAP, DICT, TELNET, FILE, IMAP, POP3, SMTP, and RTSP protocols are all supported by this command-line tool.
  • Robot Framework- used for acceptance testing and test-driven development (ATDD).
  • JMeter- Despite being made for load testing, it is a widely used open source tool for functional API testing.
  • Rest-Assured- It is an open-source Java domain-specific language that simplifies and facilitates REST service testing.
  • Katalon Studio- A common environment is provided for the creation and execution of UI functional, API/Web services, and mobile testing by this free automation test tool.
  • Tricentis Tosca- It is a platform for Agile and DevOps continuous testing.
  • Apigee- Users can gauge and test API performance using this cross-cloud API testing tool.
  • Assertible- Is a tool for API testing that focuses on automation and dependability.
  • Karate DSL- Using this new API testing tool, you can create scenario-based BDD tests using APIs without writing step definitions.

Our Development Process


Understanding Requirement

We assign a exclusive team to work with you and understand all the concepts and requirements of your project.

User Interface Design

At Blue Summit, user needs come first and our products follow industry UX design standards.

Software Architecture

While Agile questions upfront analysis, some solution architecture is necessary for effectiveness.


Upon obtaining design approval, we build the product according to the client's requirements.


After rigorous testing and QA, our experts will launch your product on app stores and web browsers. Get ready to see your masterpiece live!


We regularly monitor and maintain the application and environment to ensure proper functionality.

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We would be pleased to provide you with information about our tech services, and help you succeed. Blue Summit Technologies have worked with global clients to improve efficiency and productivity, by empowering them with right technologies, tools and software solutions. For more than 20 years, BST teams have helped customers achieve their IT system and software development goals.

If you require support with employee badge printing, timekeeping, site security, or managed services, we have the right answers and the right teams to work. To request a quote, kindly fill out the form on our website and we will revert back on it soonest we can!
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