Drupal Development

A seasoned Drupal development company, Blue Summit has created a wide range of websites and modules for a variety of international clients and businesses, including big businesses, SME's, and public sector organizations.

We have been a part of Drupal since version 4.0. Our previous Drupal development projects included the creation of intranet systems, community websites, corporate websites, and websites for businesses.

Blue Summit offers expert Drupal website construction and modification services. According to your unique needs, we specialize in creating custom Drupal CMS solutions. We offer affordable, quick, and search engine friendly Drupal web design services. We assign a professional Account Manager to oversee your requirements through project completion. Drupal CMS modification is a skill held by developers at Blue Summit. You can contact our team at any moment with any kind of request, and we will be happy to help.

Service Offerings

By adopting Drupal, we are devoted to our end user and offer the following services.

CMS Development

Blue Summit assists you in creating specialized content management solutions for the production, archiving, and distribution of digital information

Module Development

With Drupal module development, improve website performance and maximize value.

Website Design

Drupal website design gives you a better user experience and makes it easier for you to achieve your objectives.


Drupal websites look the way they do because of their themes. They are in charge of your website's aesthetics.

Extension Development

Extensions are responsible to extend the functionality of your site.

Template Design & Development

Blue Summit makes you stand out among the swarm of websites with its Drupal template design and development.

Apps Development

You may use Drupal as the backend for developing mobile applications; it's not merely a web-based content management system.

CMS Customization

From concept to development to maintenance, Blue Summit offers you complete CMS development solutions

eCommerce Development

Get a safe, adaptable, and mobile-friendly website by utilizing our Drupal E-Commerce development services.

CMS Maintenance

Rely on Blue Summit for all CMS related support and maintenance on your Drupal website

Skills Matrix

Our web developers have completed a number of notable Drupal module development, customization, and maintenance projects and are skilled, knowledgeable professionals. Since Drupal is an open source platform, we fully utilize and extend its current capabilities to perfectly align your website platform with your objectives, ensuring you receive timely deliveries as well as cost savings.

The following are the technologies/skills in which Blue Summit has strong expertise and is known for:
  • PHP
  • Apache Webserver
  • Ajax/ jQuery
  • XML/ WebService

Our Tools and Techniques

Since we have been working together on Drupal development for more than years, we have sharpened our skills, selected our tools, and tuned our secret recipe for creating outstanding Drupal websites.

Our Drupal professionals at Blue Summit primarily use the technologies listed below.

Svn for version control

For each and every one of our projects, big and small, we employ SVN version control. As a result, we can successfully manage projects with our large team of developers and incorporate outside developers into our client-facing operations. Although we are aware that there are other version control systems with greater functionality available (Bazaar, Git), we chose SVN due to its comparatively low complexity and widespread familiarity among our developers, designers, and clients.

Trac for bug tracking and code history

With every site we launch, we also supply a separate installation of Trac to complement SVN. We may view a chronology of our SVN changes and obtain visual comparisons between versions thanks to this open source application. This is useful for tracking down potential issues (if a module was broken on Friday, what modifications were made to it on Wednesday and Thursday?) and for auditing specific sections of code (what happened and when). We utilize our project management Drupal instance to administer our HTTP authentication for Trac in order to manage our credentials between Trac instances.


Beyond module management, Drush is a venerable Swiss Army Knife of Drupal functionality that enables a developer to log into the MySQL database directly using the credentials the Drupal installation uses (drush sql cli), runs cron (drush cron), executes any pending database updates (drush updatedb), and much more. Drush's capability may be easily expanded, which has shown to be quite useful when performing significant data imports and exports. Overall, the command line (which is no longer even a module!) has become the focal point of all of this capability, which is extremely powerful and essential to our development process.

Devel Drupal For Firebug, Coder, ET AL: Drupal Development Modules

Numerous helpful developer modules have been created for Drupal as a platform for developers. Several of them will be used in each particular development project at Chapter Three, but usually every project ends up installing a few modules. They consist of:

Devel Module

This is the de facto standard for a Drupal development module and it comes with crucial features for creating test content, conducting performance testing, looking at SQL queries, creating forms, switching user accounts, figuring out how to use themes, dumping variables using the Krumo debug tool, and much more. We utilize it across all of our sites, and it should certainly go by the name "Devel Suite."

Drupal for Firebug

For those who currently use Firebug on a regular basis, this module and its related Firefox extension offer an outstanding Drupal developer experience.

Drupal for Firebug provides a new tab for "Drupal" by using a good amount of XUL magic to hook into the Firebug tabs. It slows down the loading of each page's nodes, users, views, and forms while also offering sensible coloring to show what has been added, altered, or removed. The firep() function makes it simple to output personalized debugging messages and have them appear in the general messages in the order they were executed. Since I built the module and extension to aid in Chapter Three's development process, it has received about 100,000 downloads and is now extensively used.


This module helps you create better code, but it also makes sure that every line of code you write follows Drupal best practices. We use this on a lot of our code, and it makes it easier to uncover clear security flaws, spot PHP errors, and enforce complete comments. Beginning very soon, all of our SVN commits will be checked for quality code structure against the rules of the coder module.

There are hundreds of more developer modules, like Deadwood for converting D5 to D6 modules and Masquerade for user testing. Depending on the needs of the project or the client, we employ these modules in various scenarios.


The Xdebug debugging package gives our developers access to stack and function traces, which they can use to identify PHP issues. Being a sophisticated application, Drupal frequently has mistakes that happen several levels deep in the Drupal architecture, therefore being able to trace back and identify the exact location of the original issue might be crucial to effectively tracking down a problem. The functionality that Xdebug offers is crucial in particular when PHP reports a technical error in a standard function, such as node load(), yet the actual cause of the issue is in a preceding function. The Xdebug backtrace greatly improves our development process' efficiency.

Simpletest and Simpletest and Selenium - Automatic Testing

It takes several different processes to ensure that we produce high quality products that are free of serious bugs. Implementing automatic testing at the functional and user experience levels (using Simpletest) is a component of our approach (via Selenium). Automatic testing has received a lot of attention (and for good reason), but the Simpletest donated module for Drupal 6 offers a lot of the same capabilities.

We incorporate this module into all of our significant development projects, along with bespoke tests we create on a case-by-case basis, and use the Simpletest framework to guarantee crucial functionality at every stage of our work. Early identification of the functionality and critical routes for each project as well as the integration of the tests required to support them are key components of our development strategy. Critical PHP and SQL functionality is successfully tested at the code level thanks to the Simpletest feature. Since a web application consists of more than simply PHP and SQL, we employ the Selenium testing tool to check the quality of the user experience side of things. This testing aids in finding errors that a Simpletest framework alone is unable to find, such as broken JavaScript or forms concealed by CSS difficulties. The easiest approach to create Selenium tests is to utilize the Firefox plugin for Selenium, which lets you record a macro of user behaviour and have it automatically play it back in a variety of browsers. In this method, we can consistently test every "user scenario" in various scenarios to guarantee essential site operation.

Our Development Process


Understanding Requirement

We assign a exclusive team to work with you and understand all the concepts and requirements of your project.

User Interface Design

At Blue Summit, user needs come first and our products follow industry UX design standards.

Software Architecture

While Agile questions upfront analysis, some solution architecture is necessary for effectiveness.


Upon obtaining design approval, we build the product according to the client's requirements.


After rigorous testing and QA, our experts will launch your product on app stores and web browsers. Get ready to see your masterpiece live!


We regularly monitor and maintain the application and environment to ensure proper functionality.

Request A Quote

Ready to reach your peak?
Contact us today for an initial consultation.

We would be pleased to provide you with information about our tech services, and help you succeed. Blue Summit Technologies have worked with global clients to improve efficiency and productivity, by empowering them with right technologies, tools and software solutions. For more than 20 years, BST teams have helped customers achieve their IT system and software development goals.

If you require support with employee badge printing, timekeeping, site security, or managed services, we have the right answers and the right teams to work. To request a quote, kindly fill out the form on our website and we will revert back on it soonest we can!
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